Tears Of Joy


As the people rally behind Bersih 4.0 on the weekend in the call to clean-up the putrid mess the Putras have made of Malaysia in their criminal misrule of the Bumis and the rest of the rakyat,the UMNO/BN regime and its goons have gone into panic mode. That’s clearly UMNO/BN’s contemptuous and contemptible response to popular calls for a clean and fair election system. The ruling regime has greeted the prospect of a peaceful public rally by Bersih 4.0 with such a surfeit of dirty deeds and putrid lies that they must figure that the majority of Malaysians  have a taste of such disgusting stuff.

Prime Minister Najib Razak urge the people “not to destroy what has been built over the years” and ignoring the factt that UMNO/BN has systematically destroyed Malaysia’s civil institution,he claimed that “the illegal rally”,which of course is illegal only because his regime says so,”is politically motivated to gain power via undemocratic means”. Having positioned himself as a defender of democracy,despite a superabundance of evidence that the system he heads and shamelessly defends is nothing but a dirtocracy,he then went on to propose that would-be protestors “can show democratic decency by cooperating with authorities.” In other words,let them eat whatever dirt the powers-that-be decide what’s good for them.

Despite the rumours and threats of a police crackdown after Putrajaya persisted in banning its signature yellow T-shirts and branding it illegal,the two-day rally by electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 ended at the stroke of midnight with little incident. There was no teargas at the Bersih rally down in Kuala Lumpur but there were tears of joy in great many eyes at the speeches,protest song and the phone and internet messages coming through on the progress of the brave marchers around the world. The 34-hour rally that kicked off at 2pm Saturday which drew tens of thousands of government dissenters into the capital city’s streets demanding the prime minister’s resignation was a mammoth demonstration of civil disobedience,possibly the biggest of all the assemblies in Malaysia. History was definitely made !

Barisan Nasional has been in office so long that it loves to pose as the very institution of government,which in fact it is just a pack of pretenders clinging to power by perverting the electoral system,a criminal conspiracy against the people whose interests is falsely claim to represent. Who the hell does UMNO and Barisan Nasional think they are ? Members of government are supposed to be servants of the people,not their slave-masters. They’re supposed to run Malaysia,not ruin it,to keep the country clean,not mire it in crime and grime.

Najib Razak has called on this silent majority of Malaysians that he claims are opposed to Bersih’s call for clean and fair elections to “make their stand clear in cyberspace.” From what I see justice fills in cyberspace,a voice rendered increasingly venomous by every dirty deed the UMNO/BN commits in its fumbling,bumbling and ultimately futile efforts to fight for survival. Instead of silently sighing or crying over the dirty state of our beloved country,more and more Malaysians are openly revealing their feelings and shedding their fears. The madder the Malaysians people get at the antics of the UMNO/BN regime,the loonier this bunch behaves which makes sense in a crazy kind of way,I suppose. Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different outcome,then they’re insane by definition. Criminally insane,in fact,as they clearly expect to get away forever with their cheating,thievery and deceit. Now,that UMNO/BN are so seriously threatened by Bersih and its massive popular support,they’ve gone so totally insane that even the slight of the colour yellow drives them into a phobic frenzy. I urge the people to shower Najib Abdul Razak with yellow greetings wherever he goes on his global flights of fancy and sing those protest songs to remind him both of Bersih and persistent suspicions of his implication in the 1MDB scandal. Hopefully,such a radical reality check would bring Najib Abdul Razak to his senses. Here’s my two cents advice,drop your hypocritical pretence and resign.

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